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Murder Defense Lawyers in Galveston

Providing Clients With a Strong Defense

Facing murder charges can be terrifying for the individuals accused and their family members. These criminal charges come with an intense bias that could lead the prosecutor to aggressively attack the person, even if they are innocent. The Texas criminal justice system has stringent laws against murder and domestic violence, and a conviction can mean the death penalty.

If you or your loved one is facing criminal charges for murder in the Galveston, TX, area, you need immediate help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Your criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the Texas legal system, including knowing how to answer police officers’ questions without accidentally incriminating yourself. They will conduct a thorough investigation to uncover evidence that introduces doubt into the prosecution’s case and offer legal representation if your case goes to trial.

At Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, our criminal defense firm is led by Attorney Mark Metzger III, a former Marine, and linebacker at Texas A&M. Attorney Metzger uses his strength, determination, and passion for protecting the innocent to provide excellent legal counsel and representation for clients facing murder charges in Galveston County. Our legal team will not rest until you get a fair trial with the most favorable outcome. Call 713-597-2677 immediately to schedule a free consultation and learn how our legal professionals can help you avoid a felony offense conviction.

What Are Texas Laws Regarding Murder Charges?

In Texas, ending the life of another person can result in various forms of criminal charges. It is possible to avoid conviction if you killed someone while acting in self-defense or defending another person. However, causing the death of another individual due to recklessness or negligence can result in a second-degree felony known as manslaughter.

If someone knowingly causes serious bodily harm that results in death, this could lead to murder charges. Additionally, capital murder occurs when someone intentionally kills an officer of the peace or a fireman while in the act of performing their duties. You can also be convicted of capital murder if the murder was committed during the act of a serious felony such as kidnapping, escaping incarceration, terroristic threat, or aggravated sexual assault.

What Penalties Could I Face for a Murder Conviction in Texas?

Texas laws regarding murder are well-known because of the harsh penalties that come with a conviction. However, working with experienced criminal defense lawyers can help get your charges reduced or dropped.


Criminal cases involving manslaughter refer to actions of negligence or recklessness that result in another person’s death. A conviction could lead to second-degree felony charges that stay on your permanent criminal record. If you are convicted of manslaughter, you could face a sentence of 2-20 years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.


Murder charges are even more serious felony charges. As a first-degree felony, a criminal conviction for murder can result in life imprisonment and fines of up to $10,000.

Capital Murder

Capital murder charges, including the murder of a person of a certain status or a murder committed while committing other federal crimes, can result in life imprisonment or the death penalty for individuals over the age of 18. A person under age 18 may not receive the death penalty but can still face imprisonment of between 5-99 years.

What Defenses Can I Use to Get My Murder Charges Lowered or Dismissed?

There are several options for defeating your murder charges, including:

  • Self-defense – If your actions were in self-defense, you may be able to avoid the strict penalties of a murder conviction. However, self-defense does not apply in certain circumstances, such as if you approached someone to resolve differences while illegally armed.
  • Defending someone else – Defending another person is also legal in Texas and would not result in a criminal conviction.
  • Suppressing evidence – An experienced criminal defense attorney can identify when certain evidence is inadmissible, making it harder for the prosecution to prove their case.
  • Acting in the “heat of passion” – If your actions occurred because of reasonable circumstances, you may be able to get your sentence lowered from a first to a second-degree felony offense.
  • Involuntary intoxication – Being intoxicated against your will is also a valid defense in Texas murder cases.
  • Mentally unstable – Using the argument that you are mentally unstable can help you avoid a conviction but also comes with potential consequences, such as required treatment at a facility. Speak with your criminal defense lawyer before using this or any other defense in your criminal defense case.

 Should You Hire Our Murder Defense Attorneys?

Texas murder cases involve a high level of emotion that can make it difficult to defeat your charges. However, the experienced criminal defense lawyers at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, are ready to stand by you throughout this challenging process. We will work tirelessly to gather evidence that disproves the prosecution’s case and fight aggressively for a favorable result to your trial.

Our many clients agree that our legal team is a formidable foe in the courtroom and that having our lawyers on their side gives them an instant feeling of confidence. We will listen carefully to your concerns and explain your legal options at every step of the process. We can help you know when to exercise your right to remain silent and help you answer law enforcement officers in a way that helps your image during the investigation. We care about each client and promise to use our dedication and skill to provide the counsel and legal representation you need.

When facing your murder charge, you risk steep penalties according to the Texas penal code. There is too much at stake to risk hiring an inexperienced lawyer. Contact our criminal defense firm for an effective defense that can get your case lowered or dismissed. You can reach us at 713-597-2677 to schedule a confidential consultation.