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Understanding the Legal Elements of Aggravated Assault in Texas

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Aggravated assault charges in Texas can result in severe penalties. A conviction can mean years in prison, thousands of dollars in fines, and a criminal record that haunts you for years to come. Individuals convicted of aggravated assault need immediate legal protection from competent, experienced criminal defense attorneys to prevent them from receiving the maximum sentencing.

Even a minor sentence can result in a criminal record that makes it difficult to obtain employment, keep custody of your children, and live your life as you wish. You need excellent legal representation and counsel to avoid the devastating consequences of an aggravated assault conviction.

If you or a loved one is facing aggravated assault charges, you could worry about what to do next. Your first step should be to contact a trusted legal representative immediately. Your lawyer can protect your rights during the investigation and offer counsel about how to proceed. When you call our knowledgeable team of aggravated assault attorneys, you can rest assured that we will handle your case with skill and great care. Call now to schedule a free consultation at 713-597-2677.

How is Aggravated Assault Defined Under Texas Law?

A physical assault arrest can be scary, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you will be charged with assault. A prosecutor may decide to charge you if it appears likely that you committed the crime. Your lawyer can help by finding holes in the prosecution’s argument and introducing doubt about your guilt.

In Texas, there are two forms of assault charges: simple assault and aggravated assault.

Simple Assault

Simple assault charges result from an incident where a person causes physical harm or threat of harm. With simple assault, the action could have been intentional or due to recklessness. Sexual assault is another form of simple assault and could also lead to criminal charges in Texas.

Aggravated Assault

Aggravated Assault occurs when someone causes serious bodily injury, such as using a firearm. Choking and continuous family violence could also lead to a charge of aggravated assault in Texas. These crimes are heavily punished in Texas, making it crucial for you to get legal counsel if you are arrested for aggravated assault.

What Penalties Will I Face for an Aggravated Assault Conviction in Texas?

An aggravated assault conviction can result in heavy penalties. Some of the consequences of a conviction include:

  • Between two and 20 years in federal prison
  • Fines of up to $10,000
  • Felony charges on your criminal record
  • Revocation of professional licenses
  • Negative impacts on your social life, including difficulty retaining custody of your children in a divorce

How Can Aggravated Assault Attorneys Protect Me?

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer is critical to fighting your aggravated assault charges and can even help get your case completely dropped before it ever goes to trial. When you hire a defense lawyer, they will help by:

Providing counsel on when and how to answer law enforcement’s questions

  • Helping you understand when to exercise your right to remain silent
  • Protecting your Constitutional rights during the investigation
  • Conducting a thorough investigation to uncover evidence that could get your charges lowered or dismissed
  • Negotiating a settlement with the prosecutor
  • Arguing your case confidently and aggressively before a judge and jury

 Should You Hire Our Aggravated Assault Attorney?

Facing any criminal charge can be scary. Texas laws are known to be unforgiving, and prosecutors in the Lone Star State work tirelessly to put criminals behind bars. However, that doesn’t mean every person is guilty or deserves the maximum sentencing.

When you work with our law firm, you will immediately recognize our confidence and understanding of Texas law. We leverage this knowledge and our determination to protect our clients to get the most favorable results possible. Our criminal defense team will explain your legal options to you so you can be a part of every decision.

Don’t go it alone with so much at stake. Reach out to our team of Texas aggravated assault attorneys for help fighting your charges and getting your life back. Call today to schedule a free, confidential consultation at 713-597-2677.


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