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Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture in Drug Trafficking Investigations in Galveston

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Drug trafficking charges are prosecuted vigorously under Texas law, potentially resulting in years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. These criminal charges are even more complicated because they are typically associated with money laundering, or the transfer of funds to conceal the crimes used to obtain the money.

If you have been accused of drug trafficking, there is a great deal at stake. Not only could you be imprisoned and heavily fined, but you may also be required to forfeit any assets associated with the drug trafficking to the U.S. government. Call our law firm to get the legal counsel you need.

How Is Drug Trafficking Defined Under Texas Law?

In the state of Texas, any crime associated with transporting, distributing, or possessing drugs with the intent to sell may be prosecuted as a drug trafficking crime.

Drug Trafficking Charges

Some factors that could lead to a drug trafficking charge in Texas include:

  • Possession of a large amount of a single illegal drug
  • Possession of controlled substances without a valid prescription
  • Possession of a gun or deadly weapon along with illegal drugs
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia, such as a weight scale

Your charges may also be enhanced if the drug crimes took place in a drug-free zone, such as a school, public area, or school bus.

Drug Trafficking Penalties

Texas laws are well-known for their harsh penalties against drug abusers. This counts for those found in possession of drugs but is especially true for anyone convicted of distributing illegal drugs. The penalties of a conviction depend on several factors, including the type of drug in the person’s possession, the amount of drugs, where the crime occurred, and whether the person had drug paraphernalia in their possession.

A conviction for drug trafficking can be very severe and will usually be charged as a felony. Sentencing can include prison time of up to 99 years and fines of up to $250,000. The individual may also face license suspension of six months and suffer the consequences of a criminal record in other aspects of life. For example, they could have their professional licenses revoked and be unable to keep custody of their children.

For help fighting your charges and avoiding the maximum sentencing, contact a trusted legal professional for counsel right away.

When Are Assets Subject to Forfeiture in Texas Criminal Cases?

When a person is convicted of money laundering and drug trafficking, they may be required to forfeit certain assets.

Money Laundering

Individuals who obtain money illegally often transfer the funds to make it appear that they came from a legal source. This is known as money laundering and can result in separate criminal charges. The illegal funds may be confiscated as part of the sentencing.

Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking convictions also lead to forfeiture of certain assets that were involved in the crime, including money, property, vehicles, and other valuables that are linked with the trafficking charges.

What Defenses Can Help Me Avoid a Drug Trafficking Conviction?

Fighting criminal charges can be scary and confusing. However, experienced defense attorneys can help get your charges lowered or dropped.

Some defenses that a skilled lawyer can use to help you avoid the maximum sentencing include:

  • Lack of knowledge – You may avoid a conviction if you can demonstrate that you did not know what the drugs were or that they were there.
  • Mistaken identity – Another defense is to demonstrate that you were not the person who committed the crime.
  • Lack of evidence – If the court loses the evidence, which occurs more often than people realize, you might be able to get your case dropped.
  • Illegal search and seizure – Police officers must respect the rights of the accused, including performing lawful search and seizures. If your rights were violated, the evidence could be ruled inadmissible, helping you avoid conviction.

Should You Hire Our Galveston Criminal Defense Attorneys?

If you are facing charges for drug possession, drug trafficking, or money laundering, you need highly experienced legal professionals who can guide you through the complex criminal justice process. Our team of attorneys has helped countless clients get their sentences lowered. We often help our clients get their cases dismissed without even going to trial.

To learn more about how we can help with your unique case, please call 713-597-2677 immediately to schedule a free, confidential consultation

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