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Types of Drug Crimes in Galveston and Their Penalties

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Facing drug crime charges in Texas can be terrifying because of the stigma against these crimes. Prosecutors try to show that they are tough on drug abusers and often push for harsher sentencing than what is truly deserved. However, with a skilled team of criminal defense attorneys, you can develop a solid defense that proves you do not deserve the maximum conviction.

Our law firm can provide the counsel and representation you need to defeat your charges, getting your sentencing lowered or even dismissed. We are proud to represent individuals who need help defeating drug charges in Southeast Texas and will be happy to meet with you in a free consultation to discuss your unique circumstances. Call us immediately to learn more about how we can help at 713-597-2677.

What Are the Four Drug Penalty Groups in Texas?

Texas law outlines four drug penalty groups ranging from highly dangerous drugs to substances that are strictly regulated because of their potential to be addictive. The four drug penalty groups in Texas are as follows:

  • Drug Penalty Group 1 – This group includes the most dangerous substances, such as cocaine, heroin, oxycodone, and methamphetamine. A conviction for possession or trafficking of these drugs can result in felony charges, including years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.
  • Drug Penalty Group 2 – The second penalty group includes ecstasy, amphetamine, psilocybin (mushrooms), and methaqualone. These charges are also taken extremely seriously and could result in felony charges, depending on the amount you are found in possession of.
  • Drug Penalty Groups 3-4 – Although these substances are not as dangerous and include some medical purposes, they have the potential to be highly addictive and are carefully regulated in Texas. They include Diazepam, Lorazepam, lysergic acid, and testosterone.

What Drug Charges Are There in Texas and What Are Their Penalties?

Some of the most common drug charges in Texas are drug possession and drug trafficking. Generally speaking, simple drug possession charges are not as severe as a trafficking charge. However, your charges could be enhanced or aggravated due to possession of drug paraphernalia or drug possession in a drug-free zone.

Drug Possession

Drug possession charges involve being caught with illegal drugs on your person, in your home, or somewhere you could easily access them. The penalties could range from 60 days in jail to years in prison, depending on the penalty group and the amount of illicit substance you had in your possession.

Drug Trafficking

Charges of drug trafficking are generally more serious and are subject to more severe penalties in Texas. You could be charged with trafficking if you’re found in possession of large amounts of illegal drugs or are caught in the act of distributing them. A conviction could result in up to 99 years in federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines.

How Can I Fight My Drug Crime Charges?

Facing drug charges can be terrifying because of the severity of the penalties and the bias against drug abusers in the Texas legal system. However, with skilled criminal attorneys on your side like those at our law firm, you have a chance of getting your charges reduced or dismissed.

If you are charged with drug possession or trafficking, you should reach out to a trusted legal representative immediately. Your lawyer can advise you on how to interact with law enforcement during the investigation and help you develop a solid defense. You could get a lower sentence or even see your case dropped entirely with the right legal representation.

Should You Hire Drug Attorneys?

When you or your loved one faces criminal charges in Texas, you deserve to have excellent legal counsel based on years of experience in criminal law. Our team of lawyers has helped countless individuals fight drug crime charges and get their charges lowered or dismissed. We understand the Texas legal system and know what it takes to win. This knowledge, alongside our dedication to seeking truth and justice, makes our lawyers formidable foes in and out of the courtroom, often resulting in dropped charges before the case ever goes to trial.

To learn more about how we can help, call our team of compassionate, capable criminal defense attorneys at 713-597-2677 to schedule a free consultation today.

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