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Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyers in Galveston

Fighting Aggressively to Get Clients a Favorable Outcome

Drug crimes are taken very seriously in Texas, and even simple possession of certain quantities of dangerous drugs can lead to years in prison and thousands of dollars in crimes. When you are accused of drug trafficking, the penalties become even more severe. A conviction can mean a lifetime prison sentence and fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars. You may also face license suspension and carry a criminal record that prevents you from obtaining employment.

If you are charged with drug trafficking in Southeast Texas, you should hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. Your lawyer can advise you on answering police officer’s questions so you don’t accidentally incriminate yourself. Please understand that you have the right to remain silent and should not answer any questions until you speak with a lawyer.

Our Texas criminal defense team is led by Attorney Mark Metzger, who uses his passion and determination learned in the Marines to defend innocent clients. When you meet with our legal team, you will recognize immediately that you are in capable, confident hands. We can help you develop a solid defense that can possibly get your drug charges dropped. Contact us right away to schedule a free consultation at 713-597-2677.

How Do Drug Penalty Groups in Texas Work?

Texas law recognizes four distinct groups of illegal drugs, ranging from extremely dangerous drugs to controlled prescription drugs with the potential to be addictive. Your charges and the penalties of a conviction may vary depending on the type and amount of drug you are found in possession of.

Penalty Group 1

Drug charges related to Penalty Group 1 often lead to felony convictions. If you are found trafficking these drugs or are simply in possession of large amounts of these substances, you could face an enhanced first-degree felony charge. These drugs include LSD, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, and codeine.

Penalty Group 2

This group of dangerous substances is known for their potential to be highly addictive and even life-threatening. Like Penalty Group 1, drugs in Penalty Group 2 have no known medical use. You can receive felony charges for trafficking Penalty Group 2 drugs, which include Adderall, PCP, THC, and ecstasy.

Penalty Groups 3 and 4

While these groups include drugs that sometimes have medical uses, they are still highly addictive and are strictly regulated in Texas. They include opium, morphine, Valium, Ritalin, and testosterone.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer to Fight My Drug Trafficking Charges?

With the stiff penalties that come with a drug trafficking conviction, it is no surprise that hiring a lawyer is crucial when facing trafficking charges. Without adequate legal protection, you could face up to 99 years in federal prison, lose your driver’s license, and face hefty fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, with a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side, there is hope of getting your charges reduced or dismissed.

Your lawyer can help by performing many duties during your investigation, including:

  • Advising you on how to interact with police officers to avoid accidental self-incrimination
  • Helping you understand when to exercise your right to remain silent
  • Investigating the details behind your charges to find evidence that introduces doubt as to your guilt
  • Defending you aggressively before a judge and jury to get your charges lowered
  • Negotiating with prosecutors to find a favorable resolution

Contact our legal team immediately for the counsel and representation you need at this difficult time.

What Are the Penalties for a Drug Trafficking Conviction?

Texas law is known for its strict stance against drug abusers and traffickers. Along with the stigma that comes with drug charges, there are also harsh penalties that come with a conviction. Some of the minimum penalties for drug trafficking convictions include between six to twelve months in jail and $10,000 in fines. However, some convictions lead to a prison sentence of up to 99 years and six-figure fines.

Aside from hefty fines and a potential lifetime prison sentence, drug trafficking charges have other negative consequences. These serious criminal charges can result in a criminal record that prevents you from getting or keeping a professional license, preventing you from engaging in the career you desire. You could also face driver’s license suspension, impacting your ability to travel, commute, and get to doctor’s appointments. You could even lose custody of your children because of a criminal conviction.

Some factors that could enhance your conviction, leading to more severe penalties, include possession of drug paraphernalia, such as a scale. You could also face harsher penalties if you were found guilty of possessing drugs in a drug-free zone, such as a school or other public building. To get the best defense possible, you need trusted legal representatives to fight your charges. Call Metzger Law Firm, PLLC for reliable attorneys who will fight tirelessly for you.

Should You Hire Our Drug Trafficking Defense Attorneys?

We have defended many clients against drug charges over the years, achieving reductions in sentencing and case dismissals in many cases. Our founding lawyer, Attorney Mark Metzer III, developed a passion for protecting the innocent during his service as a U.S. Marine. Attorney Metzger uses this determination to fight valiantly for his clients both in and out of the courtroom, often getting cases dismissed before they ever go to trial.

When you are accused of serious crimes, such as drug trafficking, you need a legal team with the experience and knowledge necessary to provide a favorable outcome. We promise to leverage our dedication, knowledge, skill, and honesty to work for the desired result in your drug trafficking case. Contact our caring, compassionate legal team today at 713-597-2677 to schedule a confidential consultation and discover the difference it can make when you have trusted legal professionals on your side.