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DWI Defense Lawyers in Galveston

Helping Clients Beat DWI Charges

If you are facing a DWI charge in Galveston County, you could be up against serious penalties that can impact you and your family for years to come. A DWI arrest can lead to license suspension, jail time, and charges of intoxication manslaughter. If you are convicted, your ability to keep a job, commute to work, maintain custody of your children, and live your everyday life could be affected. The good news is that, with a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side, there is hope for getting your charges lowered or dismissed.

An experienced Galveston DWI lawyer like those at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, can help fight your DWI charge. Our criminal defense lawyers understand Texas law and are ready to help protect your rights during the DWI investigation. We can help determine whether your breath or blood test was administered correctly, possibly getting this alleged evidence dismissed. We will work tirelessly to save your driver’s license and your right to live your life.

When you are under DWI arrest, you have a short time to act. You must hire a DWI attorney if you want the best chance of defeating these charges. You only have 15 days to request a hearing, or you could lose your driver’s license. Contact our criminal defense attorneys immediately to ensure your hearing is ordered correctly and get the counsel and quality legal representation you need. Call us now at 713-597-2677 to schedule your free consultation and learn how our Galveston DWI lawyers can help you.

What Is the DWI Law in Texas?

In Texas, driving while intoxicated, or DWI, refers to adults who are over the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration. A police officer who suspects that a person is driving while intoxicated may initiate an arrest and administer a blood or breath test. If the person has a BAC of greater than .08 percent, they could receive a citation or be placed under arrest.

A first-offense DWI will usually result in a Class B misdemeanor, which is less severe than a felony DWI charge. This differs from a minor who is arrested for driving under the influence. With anyone under the age of 21, the individual may be charged with DUI regardless of blood alcohol level, resulting in a Class C misdemeanor.

Anyone operating a motor vehicle, including a motor vehicle or boating vessel, may face DWI arrest for operating the vehicle while intoxicated. However, those under arrest still have Constitutional rights that must be protected. If the arresting officer violated your rights, you could get your criminal case dismissed. Contact a trusted DWI lawyer to get the help you need in fighting your DWI charge.

What DWI Penalties Could I Face if I’m Convicted?

Texas laws are stringent regarding driving while intoxicated to discourage individuals from engaging in this dangerous behavior. The penalties you receive for a DWI conviction depend on the nature of your charges, such as whether this was a first-time offense or a repeat conviction. You may also face more severe penalties if you caused an accident that resulted in serious bodily injury. A Galveston DWI lawyer can help you determine whether your charges are appropriate for the drunk driving offense that occurred.

First Offense DWI

First-time offenders may face DWI charges of a Class B misdemeanor. This can result in up to 180 days in jail and fines of up to $3,000. The individual charged with DWI for the first time may also be required to complete education courses and comply with ignition-lock requirements.

Repeat DWI Cases

For second offenders or multiple DWI offenders, the consequences become more stringent. You could face up to a year in jail and a $4,500 fine for a second DWI and between two to ten years in prison and $10,000 in fines for a 3rd or more DWI. Repeat offenders will likely be required to use an ignition lock and complete inpatient treatment programs. You also risk license suspension of up to two years.

Intoxication Assault

Matters become more serious when someone suffers bodily injury due to an accident you caused while engaging in drunk driving. Even if the crash was an accident, you could be charged with a third-degree felony and face imprisonment of up to ten years with fines of up to $10,000. Intoxication manslaughter occurs when someone is killed because of a drunk driving accident. This is a second-degree felony, and even more severe punishments may result.

What Defensive Strategies Can I Use to Beat My DWI Charges?

Fighting a DWI can seem daunting, but it is entirely possible with skilled criminal defense attorneys on your side. Attorney Mark Metzger III has fought and won many cases involving individuals charged with DWI. Our experienced team of Galveston DWI lawyers will leave no stone unturned when investigating the charges you’re facing. We will relentlessly pursue a favorable outcome, working tirelessly to find holes in the prosecution’s arguments.

Some strategies that can be effective in fighting DWI charges include:

  • Arresting officer performed an unlawful traffic stop
  • Inaccurate breathalyzer test
  • Field sobriety tests performed improperly

Call our Texas DWI lawyers for help determining the best course of action to get your DWI charges lowered or dismissed.

 Should You Hire Our DWI Defense Attorneys?

When you or a loved one is charged with DWI in Galveston and the surrounding areas, you need a criminal defense team you can count on. Our Galveston County criminal defense attorneys have handled many DWI cases, giving us in-depth knowledge of Texas law and the skills necessary to beat your charges. Our lead attorney, an ex-marine and Texas A&M linebacker, has gained victory for our clients time and time again.

Call our exceptional legal team today at 713-597-2677 to schedule a free consultation and see how our determination, prowess, and honesty can help save your driver’s license and avoid the maximum sentence for DWI.