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Car Accident Lawyers in Galveston

Helping Clients Seek Compensation

Hundreds of thousands of Texans suffer from car accidents each year. In fact, according to Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Facts, over 200,000 people were injured in motor vehicle accidents in 2022. What few people realize before they are in a crash is the extent of damage that occurs far into the future. Victims of an auto accident may suffer physical and financial damage that lasts months or even years. And an insurance company will not likely compensate these individuals or their families for the full extent of the damages suffered.

However, with experienced Houston car accident lawyers like those at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, you can pursue a personal injury claim that results in a fair car accident settlement to cover these damages and more. As long as you are not more than 50% at fault for the auto accident, you can seek compensation for past and future medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and more.

To get the legal counsel and representation you need at this challenging time, please reach out to our knowledgeable Texas car accident attorneys to help with your car accident lawsuit. We can help prove that you were not at fault, thus allowing you to recover compensation and get back to life as it was before your accident. Call 713-597-2677 now to schedule a free consultation and learn how our car accident lawyers can help you.

What Are Some Typical Forms of Car Accidents in Houston and Galveston?

The car accident lawyers at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, are ready to help with any auto accident you may have. We have worked with countless clients over the years and know how to pursue compensation with insurance companies and in court if necessary, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Some types of car accidents we work with include:

  • Bicycle and car accidents
  • Pedestrian car accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Head-on collisions
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Car wreck involving a commercial vehicle
  • Motorcycle accident
  • Hit and run accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Distracted driving car accident
  • Fatal car accidents

Depending on the nature of your accident, you could be suffering from minor yet painful injuries like whiplash, or you might be mourning the loss of a loved one in a fatal car crash. These injuries can impact your daily life, affecting your ability to work and preventing you from being able to pay for mounting medical bills. Unfortunately, an insurance adjuster is unlikely to cover many damages, such as emotional trauma and future expenses. Reach out to our skilled accident lawyers for help proving liability in your car accident and recovering compensation in full.

What Compensation Am I Entitled To For My Car Accident Injuries?

One critical part of submitting a car accident claim is understanding what compensation you are entitled to. Meeting with you in person is the only way to give an accurate estimate of your unique personal injury claim. However, we can help you understand what a successful Houston car accident claim could be worth according to some of the more common car accident injuries.

Personal injury claims in the Galveston/Houston area typically cover such expenses as:

  • Past and future medical treatment
  • Specialist care, including chiropractic care
  • Surgeries and hospital stays
  • Ambulance charges
  • Lost time at work
  • Lost future wages and salaries
  • Lost bonuses and vacations
  • Decreased income-earning ability
  • Emotional trauma
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death
  • Funeral expenses, within reason
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Call our law firm today to learn how you can seek compensation for these damages and more.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me Pursue Compensation?

Many crash victims think that filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company will be sufficient to cover the costs of a wreck. However, the insurance company has its own pocketbook to consider and is usually not looking out for your well-being. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, your attorney can work with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement that covers your current and future costs.

Another critical duty of auto injury attorneys is proving responsibility of the at-fault driver. Since Texas law works in a comparative fault system, you only receive compensation for the percentage the other person was at fault. This protects both parties and provides fair results as long as you have a capable team of Texas car accident lawyers. Your attorney can gather evidence, including surveillance footage, police reports, and eyewitness accounts, to prove what really happened during the accident.

Finally, hiring an experienced auto accident attorney is essential to get compensated for future expenses and non-economic damages, such as emotional distress and mental trauma. Contact our car accident lawsuit immediately to get the representation and counsel you need following your car crash.

Should You Hire Our Car Accident Attorneys?

If you have been involved in a car accident, you should file a police report immediately and get medical treatment even if you think you aren’t injured. Once you are recovering, your next priority should be to reach out to a car accident lawyer near you. When you call Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, you get representation from confident, aggressive lawyers who will stop at nothing to get the compensation you deserve.

Our caring, capable team of Texas car accident lawyers has helped many clients recover damages in various car accident lawsuits. We understand Texas law and will fight tirelessly for a favorable outcome in your car accident case. We will use our prowess and skill to get a fair settlement with the insurance company and pursue a personal injury lawsuit if necessary, fighting to protect your rights every step of the way.

You can count on our determination, skill, and passion for helping injured victims. Call our legal team right away to schedule a free consultation at 713-597-2677.