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Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Galveston

Seeking Justice on Behalf of Injured Clients

Motorcycle accident victims are much more exposed than people riding in a car, making it more likely that a motorcycle crash will result in serious injuries or fatalities. When you or your loved one is suffering from motorcycle accident injuries, you may worry about how to pay for medical treatment while losing the income that the victim normally would have earned. Unfortunately, you probably can’t count on an insurance company to pay for lost wages or future medical bills.

However, you can still recover damages in a motorcycle accident claim when working with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Southeast Texas. A motorcycle accident lawyer can help demonstrate that you deserve full compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, wrongful death, and more. Call the team of motorcycle accident lawyers at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC right away to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help. You can reach our caring, capable legal team at 713-597-2677.

What Are Some Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Galveston?

A Texas motorcycle accident may occur for many reasons. Determining the cause of your motorcycle wreck is essential during a motorcycle accident case because of Texas’s comparable negligence laws. These laws mean that you can only recover compensation for the amount of damages relative to your responsibility for the crash. For example, if you were 20% at fault, you would collect 80% of the damages owed. Furthermore, you cannot collect any compensation if you are more than 50% at fault in Texas.

Some reasons motorcycle accidents commonly occur in the Galveston area include:

  • Weather-related accidents, such as driving in heavy rain
  • Driving at night
  • Excessive speeding
  • Sudden lane change
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Sudden stop in moving traffic
  • Distracted driving
  • Following too closely
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Proving who is the at-fault driver is essential to winning your lawsuit and collecting full and fair compensation. Contact a trusted personal injury lawyer today for help proving negligence and recovering damages following your motorcycle collision.

What Should I Do if I am in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you are involved in a motorcycle crash, you must follow state law, which requires all drivers to remain at the accident scene, contact law enforcement, and exchange information. Police officers will write a report that can be extremely helpful later in your legal proceedings. You should also get immediate medical care, even if you think you are fine. Some injuries can be masked by the adrenaline rush of the crash and could result in permanent damage if they are not treated quickly. Even drivers who use safety gear can suffer severe injuries, so please seek medical attention immediately.

After getting to safety and contacting the proper authorities, you should reach out to a Texas motorcycle accident lawyer. Your attorney can help you understand your legal options and will investigate to uncover the truth about what happened during the accident. A motorcycle accident lawyer is a necessary ally when seeking maximum compensation for injuries caused by a careless driver.

A personal injury law firm is ideal for seeking compensation because motorcycle injury attorneys deal with these cases on a regular basis. The best motorcycle accident lawyers understand Texas law and know how to get a fair settlement on their client’s behalf. Contact the legal team at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC today to see the difference working with experienced motorcycle injury lawyers can make.

What Compensation Can I Recover for My Injuries?

Motorcycle crashes caused by negligent drivers may result in severe injuries and even death. Some examples of injuries that motorcycle accident victims suffer include traumatic brain injuries, back injuries, paralysis, road rash, spinal cord injuries, lacerations, broken bones, and other catastrophic injuries. Motorcycle injuries typically merit an injury claim that greedy insurance companies usually do not honor.

However, with a skilled personal injury attorney on your side, you may be able to collect:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Payment for surgical procedures and specialist visits
  • Ambulance and hospital costs
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced income-earning ability due to your injuries
  • Lost salaries, bonuses, and vacations
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental trauma
  • Punitive damages if the actions of the at-fault driver were criminal in nature, such as drunk driving
  • Property damages
  • Compensation for catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death, including reasonable funeral expenses
  • Loss of consortium if the victim was your spouse

Our team of Texas motorcycle accident lawyers understands that no amount of money will undo the pain you are going through. However, recovering compensation can help your family make a financial recovery and move on after a motorcycle accident. Call right away to meet with us in person and learn more about what your motorcycle injury claim may be worth.

Should You Hire Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys?

The last thing individuals and families suffering from a motorcycle wreck need is the hassle of a legal battle with the insurance company. When you turn to the skilled Texas motorcycle accident lawyers at Metzger Law Firm, PLLC, you can rest assured that your legal case is in good hands. Our clients say that when they meet with our talented attorneys, they know right away that they are talking with someone honest who will fight for them.

We have handled countless motorcycle accident cases and know what it takes to get favorable outcomes in motorcycle accident claims. We promise to listen carefully to your concerns and leverage our knowledge, honesty, and dedication to seek justice against the negligent driver who caused your accident.

If you or your loved one was in a motorcycle accident, please call our compassionate, talented team of motorcycle accident attorneys immediately at 713-597-2677 to schedule a free consultation and speak with our legal team at no charge.